Calm, Forward, Straight

Calm, Forward, Straight

Monday, October 21, 2013

In the Arena # 152 - How I spent my summer vacation or When it rains it pours...

No - not a riding incident. I didn't even get to ride. Just bad judgement in the confined space of a stall with a very unsettled horse. By far my worst injuries with horses have been on the ground...

Yes it hurt like a son of a bitch. It bent backwards way too far. Choice words -"F#@& - I just broke my f#@&ing arm!" Sad face here...

Damage - all I can say is the sound was disgusting. Seriously, it felt like my bone exploded. Every medical person who looked at the xrays made that not favorable whistling sound as they shot a glance my way.

There are some choices to make in the next few days, but first I have to get myself back home. One armed trailer hauling + standard transmission...

It's not all rainbows and unicorns but I did learn a ton. More medical details, a full clinic write-up and hints on how to Do All The Chores One-Handed to come.


  1. YIKES! That looks painful, I can totally sympathize. The x-rays of my arm as a 10-year-old looked a lot like that after a riding accident. I feel your pain! Mine was left though, so, no having to re-learn how to do stuff.

  2. Oh ouch! I am so sorry. I hope your drive home goes OK, please be careful.

  3. :( Feel better! Speedy recovery to you, that doesn't look like much fun at all.

  4. oh no....
    what a frikkin disaster. Bloody horses, why do we bother :-(

    I know that sympathetic look when the x-ray is read... are we talking pins & a plate?

    Sending you hugs from France xx

  5. I have been away a while! This is not what I hoped to read when I stopped in! Good grief! Heal quickly!

  6. Oh crap, I'm so sorry to hear this. It must have been so painful and I'm sure it still is. Please take care and let us know hw you are doing.

  7. Ouch!!
    I would have been screaming those choice words! Hopefully it was not your right arm, driving a stick shift would be near impossible.
    Did you get a cool cast at least?

  8. Oh, no. I am SO SORRY. Wish I could come drive you and Val home but with all these animals and teens there is no way I can cover things here. Let me know if there is anything I can do from a distance - sending huge hugs and healing energy your way.

  9. Oh no!!!!!! I'm glad you are okay. It only takes a second with horses:(

  10. Oh no!!! That sucks. And in the middle of a clinic? That double sucks! Having to drive the standard transmission back home? You deserve cake...and good pain drugs. So sorry to hear about your arm.

  11. OW! OW! OWWWWWW!!! I've never broken anything...*knocking on wood* but I know my time is coming. I grabbed my arm when I saw your xrays! Ow!

  12. Oh no!!! :( Speedy recovery and healing!

  13. Ouch!! I'm so sorry you were injured. :( Please be careful driving home.

  14. Ooooooohhhhh suck. Are they gonna want to pin it? Ugh.

    The only time I don't miss having a manual is when I think about straining/breaking a limb. :( I'd come drive you home if I could!

  15. That is NOT the clinic post I expected to see!! Please be careful driving home -- is there someone who can help you? Watch your mailbox.... finally made it to the post office today.

  16. Oh no...I am so terribly sorry and hope with all my heart you are able to drive safely and take care of you and Val and the other sweet animals and that you can somehow feel better. Please know I will keep sending healing safe thoughts your way.

  17. I also have a manual transmission diesel truck - I wish I was there so I could drive you. OUCH!!!

  18. Oh my gosh!! That looks extremely painful, and I don't even want to think about the sound it made when it happened!! Have a safe drive home and I hope you heal up quickly!!

  19. Oh no! If only I could do more than leave a comment. Be safe driving home.

  20. Ouch! Hope you heal up quick and well. I live in fear of a limb injury; boyfriend and I have three cars between us, all stickshifts, and I had Not Much Fun At All when last I had to do the drive-stick-with-a-busted-arm thing...

  21. Ugh so sorry!! What a literal pain!

  22. Ouch!!! I did that low whistle when I saw these :( Thoughts for a speedy and complete recovery...

  23. Dom -

    Super thankful that my bone stayed within the skin. At least surgery is optional for me. Hope I recover as quickly as you did!!

  24. Holy crap!!! Geez, I hope your recovery is swift and uneventful.

  25. OMG!!!!!! So sorry. Heal quickly and keep us posted!!!!!

  26. Wow - that is sure ugly and I'll bet it didn't feel real nice either.

  27. Oh my, that's one ugly break! Holy heck! Is there anyone around that can help you for a while?

  28. This is what happens when I leave you to your own devices....wait...that's not you. Hope you heal quickly, thoroughly and well.

  29. I'mSo Sad....But So Glad Cause, It Always Can Be Worse! Praise God It Was Not. Oh Val....What A Way To Get Out Of A Clinic.

    My Nephew Had His Motor Bike Fall On His Wrist, This Summer. If I'd Been
    Blogging, As Usual I'd Have That Same Photo Up. MS M flax Omegas, And Let Her Heal.

    I'm So So, Sorry C.


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